The first installment of Mix it Up will feature Dr. Kathileen Boozer, a previous board member of Waco AHEC and a current featured speaker on chronic care issues in healthcare.
Mix It Up is an online webinar series on intersectional issues for healthcare students and community members. Through a more conversational, casual tone, attendees have the opportunity to ask questions, network, and engage deeply. Each session starts with a 30-45 minute presentation from the speaker, and afterwards we break into Q&A for the remainder of the time. AHEC Scholars may receive an hour in credit towards their hours for attending the session.
Dr. Kathileen Boozer is a full-time clinical practitioner and previously taught in the undergraduate and graduate nursing programs at LHSON. Dr. Boozer graduated from Baylor University in 2003 with a degree in Political Science. She began her nursing career after graduating from West Texas A&M with her BSN in 2008. Dr. Boozer pursued her passion for nursing and serving others and became a Family Nurse Practitioner in 2011. Kathileen completed a dermatology internship in 2014 and has been specializing her practice in dermatology and community health since that time. Dr. Boozer earned her Doctor of Nursing Practice from Creighton University in 2018. Dr. Boozer is an active member of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, Dermatology Nurses Association, National Academy of Dermatology Nurse Practitioners, Texas Nurse Practitioner Association, National League of Nurses, and Sigma Theta Tau.